See my Work

Simon Game

May 2020

Tech Stack Used: HTML5, CSS, jQuery

A simple web app created mainly using jQuery to make a virtual Simon Game.

Best Indian Cricket Team 11

May 2020

Tech Stack Used: HTML5, CSS, React.js, codesandbox, JSX

A simple web app created mainly using React.js to tell the best Indian 11 when India has to play all the matches at the same time.

Emoji Adder

May 2020

Tech Stack Used: HTML5, CSS, JS, Git, Github, Fun Translation API

A simple web app created mainly using Vanilla javascript to add meaningful emojis to your message to make it more intresting for the reader to read it.

Clock Pedia

May 2020

Tech Stack Used: HTML5, CSS, React.js, codesandbox, JSX

A simple web app created mainly using React.js to tell the meaning of the clock emojis generally used in online chats. Enter any clock emoji in the search bar and hit the button to know what does it mean.

Talk to Minions

May 2020

Tech Stack Used: JS, HTML5 , CSS, Minion translator API and Git

A simple web app developed using Vanilla JS to convert a message in english to gibberish language which is used by minions.

Centre for Conflict Management

Nov 2021

Tech Stack Used: HTML5, CSS, JS

It can be treated as a dummy website for a startup created using HTML,CSS and JavaScript .

Pig Game

Nov 2021

Tech Stack Used: HTML5, CSS, JS

A simple website to replicate the famous PigGame using basic HTML, CSS for a beautiful layout, and JavaScript (DOM Manipulation) for functionality.

Codechef MMMUT Chapter

Nov 2021

Tech Stack Used: HTML5, CSS, JS, Bootstrap

This project is developed as a simple static website for coding club of the college CODECHEF MMMUT CHAPTER.

Conflict Resolver

June 2020

Tech Stack Used: JS, HTML5 , CSS

A simple web app developed using Vanilla JS to act as a virtual toss for two person or team to decide on any issue.

JavaScript Quiz

May 2020

Tech Stack Used: JS, Node.js and

A CLI app to test your knowledge of JavaScript. There are two levels. Play the game to see your JS skills.

Know Me

May 2020

Tech Stack Used: JS, Node.js and

A simple CLI app I created to test my friend that how well they know me. Its a fun quiz. If you dont know me play to find out some intresting things about me.

Hang Man React

June 2021

Tech Stack Used: React, JS, Html, Css

Hang Man Game Build Using Modern React concepts like hooks, functional components, use state, use effect hooks.

Hulu Clone

October 2021

Tech Stack Used: JS, HTML, CSS

Basic Design Clone of Hulu OTT Platform(Fully Static).

Image Gallery

July 2021

Tech Stack Used: JS, Html, Bootstrap

image gallery to search an integrated random image from Pixabay API

Mini Audio Player

May 2020

Tech Stack Used: JS, Html, CSS

Play/Pause Audio and bookmark Audio points.


May 2020

Tech Stack Used: JS, Html, CSS

Hover your mouse and see the fun

JTG Assignment

July 2021

Tech Stack Used: JS, Html, CSS

Assignment by josh Technology. Explore here

CSS Tutorial

July 2020

Tech Stack Used: JS, Html, CSS

Learn CSS easily


July 2020

Tech Stack Used: JS, Html, CSS

Are you a professial drummer

Weather Application

June 2021

Tech Stack Used: HTML5, React, openweather API, Unsplash API, CSS

Get the weather forecast of your location.


June 2021

Tech Stack Used: HTML5,CSS,JS

A Tic-Tac-Toe game with single(against bot implemented using Min-Mix algo) and multiple player mode.


July 2021

Tech Stack Used: HTML5, CSS, JavaScript

ShopKaro is a E-commerce Website

WonderLand Travel Club

July 2021

Tech Stack Used: HTML, CSS and Bootstrap

Single page web-template for beginners with basic understanding in HTML, CSS and Bootstrap

Snake Game

October 2021

Tech Stack Used: JS, HTML, CSS

A simple Snake Game using HTML,CSS and JS.

Morse Code Translator

April 2021

Tech Stack Used: HTML, Python, CSS, JavaScript.

This is a Morse code Translator which translate English text into Morse code and Morse Code into English Text . It has Auto detect feture to detect Morse Code and English Text.

Sudoku Game

May 2021

Tech Stack Used: HTML, Python, CSS, JavaScript.

sudoku web app is a legacy sudoku game on the internet running in your browser . The sole purpose of this game is to just check my html js and flask routing skills . This app is deployed on Heroku here.


June 2021

Tech Stack Used: HTML5, Javascript,CSS

This a web game or you can say a browser game made with JavaScript and HTML5 canvas. This is a basic Tetris game. The game in which block's fall from the top and you have to arrange them in a way Such that you form a horizontal line, so it gets cleared This is my first Game developed with HTML5 canvas.

ChatBrat 2.0

July 2020

Tech Stack Used: JS, HTML, CSS, React, Node,

A Simple Server Based Chat app, utilizes the capabilities of, Node.JS, ReactJS. The App is loaded with an Extended Emoji Search System, detects conventional emoji, changes and updates them to latest one.✨✨

Web Development Fundamentals

August 2021

Tech Stack Used: HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, XML

This is a Website to learn basic web development fundamentals such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery and XML with hands on live examples.

Data Structures and Algorithms

August 2021

Tech Stack Used: C, Python

Data Structures and Algorithms using both C and Python programming language.
Data Structures: Stack, Queue, Set, Heap, Tree, Linkedlist, Hashing, Graph.
Algorithms: Sorting algorithms, Matrixchain multiplication, Backtracking queen, Searching algorithms, Longest Comman Word, Longest Comman Sequence.

Snake Game In JavaScript

March 2021

Tech Stack Used: HTML-5, CSS-3, and JavaScript

Snake Game build using JavaScript, having featurs such as score, bonus food, pause option, and the audio feature.

Rock, Paper and Scissors

September 2021

Tech Stack Used: JS, HTML, CSS

This a project with the classic hands game: ROCK, PAPER and SCISSORS using web technologies.

Tools: Fontawesome and SweetAlert.

Learning Laravel

October 2021

Tech Stack Used: Laravel, Livewire, TailwindCSS, Turbolink

A simple website using Laravel Livewire framework, TailwindCSS and Turbolink

Space Collection

April 2021

Tech Stack Used: HTML/CSS

If you are a space fan and want to know about movies, books and latest updates about space and galaxies. Here’s our website to provide you with all these resources at one place.

Compass Clock

September 2020

Tech Stack Used: JS, HTML, CSS, React

Tells time in compass manner.